God’s Covenant with Abraham


Abraham is concerned about who will inherit his property, since he is childless. God repeats the promises of Genesis 12. Abrahams own son will be heir, and his descendants will be beyond counting. This is a statement of faith and clearly stated: Abraham believed in the Lord.

God confirms His promise by a formal oath, marked by the blood of slain animals. God binds himself alone, without condition, to fulfill his Promise.

Sarah bids Abraham to conceive a child with her maidservant, Hagar. This course was without God’s direction and lead to much conflict within the household. Abrahams  descendents to the line of Ishmael will also be countless.

God appears again and expresses His covenant purposes. Abraham is to be father of many peoples, which is reflected in the name God gives him (father of many nations), and his offspring will possess the land of Canaan.

God states that the covenant relationship is to be transmitted through a son of Abraham’s wife, Sarah.

#Abrahams #God #Genesis12 #Sarah # Hagar #Ishmael #Russfwood

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