Evidence for the Decline of the Church at Jerusalem


Thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance. I ask you to fill my mind, body and soul with blessing, love and understanding.

Time has not stood still for over 2000 years. The church of Jerusalem centuries ago experienced several demonic attacks as the church today I ask, “What happen? Why were these people so blind to the fact of legalism or conflict over circumcision and other ideas? These people remind me of a guided missile without the guidance system yet the system was already in place.

I continue to pray and ask for direction I’m reminded by the Holy Spirit this is why you are writing on this subject because you are very much like those people today and yesterday. I have given you my Spirit and life to serve my purpose for me and you want to serve this world and every thing in it. You cry out to me and I hear you and my love for you is much more you can bear in this world. So why don’t you follow me? I want you to serve me and me only. You are writing not to please men or yourself, you are writing this paper to seek me and through these words people will follow by your examples. You ask why you were born in LasVegas. The desert is dry much like peoples’ hearts. The ground is dry and every once in while the ground will become wet with my Spirit, they drink and once their mouths are filled, they turn away. You have walked the barren desert in search of me and you have picked up many rocks and throw them far, you see my son that was me. You have picked up many pebbles on your journey and quenched your thirst yet you threw them to the ground and you continued to walk in your path and not mine. The desert becomes hot during the day and cold during the night, your walk has become extremely difficult by day. You are searching the days are long and your body is weak from heat and you thirst but no water to drink My people have walked in the same desert and yet they cried for help and I listen and provided and they turned away like you. You have become focused upon your own survival and not in the days ahead, you are focused within yourself and not others. The spirit of centralization rests upon you. This was prophetically given to me prior to writing this paper.

I believe that Matthew 16:15-20 was the beginning of why one denomination has misled the foundational principals and others to follow. “Who is the Rock”? It was quite clear who the Rock was and still is the Christ. Flesh and blood didn’t give Peter the revelation. Let’s move on to the real facts. I’m looking at Acts 2: 14 this was Peter’s Sermon, speaking to men of Judea and speaking the words of the prophet Joel and they knew these words as they were taught all this before. I could see how angry the Pharisees were starting to become Acts 2:22 and being told you, a man attested by God to you by miracles and wonders that God did through him and have taken by lawless hands, have crucified and put to death. I’ve thought about this many times and I believe that most had to know who they were dealing with. But because they had a reputation and a certain look to keep they were threaten by Christ existence. What did Peter tell them to do, repent can you see the look on their faces? As we begin to see the decline of the Jerusalem church in Acts 7 you the stiff necked and uncircumcised. The father’s persecuted prophets or had them killed because they spoke of the coming of the Just One. They were so angry with Stephen because he spoke the truth he received his death by stoning. Stephen was the first Apostle to give his life for the gospel he was also a Deacon and one of the original seven Acts 6. He was known for his spiritual qualities of faith, wisdom, grace and power.

The church of Jerusalem began to decline when Peter and Paul quit preaching and teaching the Christ and the Glory of God also declined. The decline consisted of four – fold spirits – Judaistic, Centralization, Sectarianism and pride. The Judaistic spirit is a spirit of legalism and bondage. Acts 15:1 – 5 spoke about keeping the Law of Moses if you are not Jewish you can’t be saved. Teaching this said doctrine of salvation talked about external good works. Also, they believed that circumcision and keeping the Sabbath Day were necessary for salvation.

Peter found out this was total false evidence appearing real when he arrived at Cornelius home. Cornelius was a Gentile centurion from Caesarea. I could just see Peter’s face when he finally realized all this is not about the Jewish customs. God had given Peter insight that Jesus had come for the Gentile and the Jew.

The spirit of Centralization was the second of the four – fold. It consisted of everyone staying in Jerusalem and preaching to one another, instead of preaching to the nations. Persecution of the Jerusalem church was necessary in order to scatter the seed. In order for the church to increase scattering was necessary.

The third was Sectarian spirit which said breaking free from your cultural lifestyle meaning the Jewish customs and be willing to be baptized into one body in Christ. Peter had a vision and was unwilling to eat unclean food, but Peter knew it came from God. The Jewish people had not received the revelation of the work done at the cross.

The fourth was the spirit of pride. This has been one I have fought with most of my life. The spirit of “I” or “we” have this or I have done this all about me…. The church of Jerusalem had a spirit of pride. At Pentecost they had received the Holy Spirit and the Word first so look at us if you don’t live by our means or our culture you are not Jewish. But God had second thoughts about all this. Peter had to go to Cornelius’s home to see God’s word had to be scattered throughout the nations. I believe Peter was somewhat a hard person and he had to see things by example.

#EvidencefortheDeclineoftheChurchatJerusalem #Russfwood #Russandnancywood

Lord, “Where is my Faith?”



I was born July 16, 1956, 6:32AM sin city Las Vegas, Nevada. My natural father had very little faith, perhaps he had had more but they say the war in Korea changed his life. He stayed around until I was three, never to here from again. I’m sure that my mother was very happy to give life to me in the natural; our Father in Heaven had put His plan in motion for me on this wonderful made earth as stated in Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” NKJV I was about four or five years old, my mother sent me to live in California with an aunt and uncle. I attended kindergarten class with Miss Anderson and a short time after starting school my attention became so vague learning was very difficult, the other children began to make fun. My aunt and uncle would make the once or twice a year parent teacher conference almost a weekly meeting. My uncle would say some awful statements concerning God. My friend Rick next door would invite me to catechism with his family on Wednesdays nights. After coming home Brownie (uncle) would say how his father back in the Ozarks would catch the preacher sleeping with the female congregation and how the church was nothing but money hungry Hippocrates. Weekly, his statement was about the same story about church. Brownie and I became involved in an auto accident. Those days we did not use seat belts and I was sitting in the front seat of a ‘51 Ford. I lunged forward and hit the huge metal dash board. I had suffered a concussion with two black eyes until I was about 12 or 13, the other person suffered very little because he was drunk.

After first grade my mother wanted me back in Las Vegas. My mother had remarried to a man she met in a bar that my grandparents had owned. Dave (stepfather) was a cruel man. My parents had bought a home on the west side of Vegas. I attended school and remembered standing on the school field wondering where God was in all this; then the bell would ring for all to come in from recess. I would remember being back in California attending catechism with my friend Rick and I would remember the Jesus that was peaceful and any pain I had experienced nothing could touch me. My parents would fight and argue over other family issues including me. I sensed my mother wanted to place me in church somewhere. I can remember going to church during the week and my mom picking me up after her work. Time seemed to vanish and before I knew anything more, I was staying with my grandmother in Henderson with my mom, she as we know it was hiding from my stepfather.

My grandmother was a Godly lady so I thought and she had a lighted picture of Jesus in her living room. I would ask each night if I could turn the light on. Mother worked close by in the casino her parents owned. The daylight hours were filled with people coming to my grandmother’s home. I would look through her window from the outside, and she was reading and telling peoples fortunes using playing cards. I found myself sitting on the curb (Boulder Highway) wanting to run across the busy highway. Mother became worried I would try and cross the busy highway. Before I knew it I was back in Hayward, California with my aunt and uncle.

I began 4th grade with Mrs. Hansen and again I was fighting off demons and really starting to wonder why I was here. Now, back in California wondering why my mother had sent me here, thinking about my friend Rick and being with God and not to worry about anything. 4th grade, 5th grade and now 6th grade was fast approaching, little contact with my mom in Vegas, latter hearing she gave birth to a son named Kevin.

Now thinking I will be attending 7th grade in California, the battle has begun as two weeks before class was to commence, my mother wants me back in Nevada. Dave, my stepfather has been taking classes to become a high power attorney and wants to sue my aunt and uncle for non release. Sad to say I’m back in Vegas and my mother knows I was attending some form of church and she wants to keep the tradition going and now we are attending the Mormon Church. Months went by and he (daddy Dave) became an elder. The summers are hot and after church Dave would send my mom, brother and I to the hot car with no air conditioning while he was inside the Mormon Church counting the money. He would later return drunk and my mom would have to drive home. I would ask myself where God is and why I’m living in this hell.

Time waits for no one, going into 9th grade; my mother decides she had enough of the Mormon crap…. And we start attending a Baptist Church. I begin to prosper, join the youth groups and attend summer bible school as the stuff at home seems a distant memory, and Jesus is fast becoming my father. I met my first real girl friend and on November 22, 1970, my mom, brother, Jennie Smith and I are baptized in the name of our Lord and Savior. During the summer months the youth would travel to Mt. Charleston outside Las Vegas and spend a week worshipping. We would stay in an old U.S. Army Ranger camp and there were several cabins with different Indian names on them. I remember the guys stayed in Cherokee cabin and I found myself going back to the cabin alone one afternoon, climbed up on my bunk feeling a little low and wanting to rest when I heard the voice of God telling me He wanted me to be in the ministry. He wanted me to share my faith and testimony with others. I looked around the cabin and saw no one visible. I refused God’s appointment on my life as I was 13 at the time. I finished 9th and 10th , 11th grades still attending the church. As I entered 12th  grade I began to slip away from Christianity, growing my hair long, playing drums, listening to rock and roll music, smoking, starting a several year career in doing drugs. I was active working in the audio business mixing music, attending UNLV for theater and audio training. I was feeling so low as a human being and empty inside so I packed up and moved back to California in 1977 hoping for a new start in life.

In 1982 I married and in 1985 we had a beautiful little girl named Shanna Marie Wood. My family and I were attending a Methodist Church in Hayward and serving God, but I found myself still living a dual life. I had quit the drug life back in 1982 but I just didn’t feel the connection that I had years before in my youth. December 1987 we divorced and I began a total spiral towards hell and became suicidal, hateful, and hurtful towards others. I felt like Raider man and nothing could stop me, going to Raider games, drinking and yes back doing drugs. From 1987 through 1991 I was living in total dismay. I got down on my knees and began to pray and my life slowly began to change, new career direction, stock brokers school and working part time with AG Edwards in Walnut Creek.

I enjoyed my new direction and met the love of my life, her name is Nancy. We met in 1991 at AG Edwards where she worked and found we quickly had a lot in common. Nancy came from Italian Catholic background and we discussed how we liked helping people and walking with the Lord. We began attending the Catholic Church off and on for several years with complete emptiness. As Nancy was a still a Catholic, we choose to marry in the church. After speaking to the pastor about marrying in the Catholic Church, I was told  I had to denounce my previous marriage and child before I could be married in the church. I knew there was something wrong.

Some years had past and I met with an old friend and she told me she was attending a non-denominational church in San Ramon. Nancy and I began to attend and found the church was spiritually dead. Pastor Adel came from Jordan and was an ex-Catholic.

At this time, we were watching football on Sundays instead of finding another church. Both of us loved football and decided that was our new religion. After the Super Bowl one year, Nancy was watching KTLN and the Hope of Glory. Pastor Napoleon  mentioned he was starting a church and I called the following day. Minister Jennifer Case called us back and we went the first day. As Nancy and I were both accustomed to traditional churches, we decided we were not going back to The Well with all the people falling out on the alter, hour long worshipping and talk of raising the dead. If, anything we needed to be raised from the dead. The Holy Spirit had brought us back and we began serving in various ministries. Pastor Napoleon married us Jan. 17th 2004, and we were the first to be married at The Well.

In closing I received a prophetic word in 2007 about my stepfather that he would receive Jesus on his death bed and would enter the kingdom. He died Feb. 17th 2009

Belief In Jesus Christ And My Life

Before I became a born again Christian I always believed in God. I knew of God, but did not know God. I never remember a time God did not exist for me. However, I continued to live my life my way. I would attend church weekly and worship God to appease Him rather than please Him. I would treat Him more as a band-aid. I was not aware I had to give up my attitudes and actions that God denounces.

I had belief in God, but I did not have faith in what Jesus did for me. I knew Jesus died on the cross and with all the years of religion classes, I was never taught the message of salvation. Good works was the thing that was always emphasized.

Like Abram I was demonstrating my faith through actions (good works). It was his belief in the Lord, not his actions that made Abram right with God. It became clear that my actions – church attendance, prayer, and even good works by themselves would not make me right with God. I began to realize by fully trusting God I too could have a right relationship with Him. Faith and belief is the basis of a right relationship. A belief God is who He says He is and does what He says He will do. As a by-product, the right actions will follow.

Looking back on my life before I became a Christian, I saw God’s hand of protection over my life even though I was not walking with Him.

As I became a young adult I began reading the Bible. I soon questioned why we were going to the church I had been baptized, confirmed and spent my first eight years in their school. I came to the conclusion it was family tradition. It was family friends (three generations) and it became a social environment.

I began attended a Bible study outside of my faith. My eyes were opened. I still did not understand what it meant to be saved. I contacted a Christian radio station and they led me on the right path.

As we see in 2 Kings 5:12, Naaman, a great hero thought the cure for his disease was to simple and left in a rage. As a hero he expected a cure of heroic proportion. He was full of pride and self-will and not willing to accept the simple cure.

I had a difficult time to accept God’s offer of forgiveness. It was hard to believe that just believing in Jesus Christ and what He did for me was significant enough to bring eternal life. I know there must be something I needed to do to guarantee eternal life. After all, my whole life up to that point I was taught good works was the way to eternal life. In reading and studying the Bible, it shows over and over gain that I simply needed to accept God’s mercy. And because of my faith and belief good works are a result, not the prerequisite.

For a long time I was not sure if I was saved. I kept hearing stories of individuals who had these great changes in their life once they gave their lives over. Mine life did not change that much. It was more of a gradual change. I continually questioned my salvation.

Looking back how many times I saw John 3:16 posted at sporting events but yet never took the time to read that passage. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

It is amazing how the entire gospel comes to focus in this verse. We see an example of where God sets the pattern of true love – to give freely to the point of self-sacrifice. For us God paid the highest price – the life of His Son.


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4 Spiritual Christianity Quotes

  1. This day, my God, I hate sin not because it damns me, but because it has done Thee wrong. To have grieved my God is the worst grief to me.

    Charles Spurgeon
  2. You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come.

    Charles Spurgeon
  3. No man can do me a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me.

    Charles Spurgeon
  4. Prayer is not a hard requirement – it is the natural duty of a creature to its creator, the simplest homage that human need can pay to divine liberality.

    Charles Spurgeon
A great place to share your favorite quotes.

Lesson I Learned From The Whole Armor Of God

To teach Christians that their fight is not against individuals but the spirits behind them.


Before I became a Christian, I felt hurt about any negative comment that would be thrown my way. Then I began reading the Bible and soon discover the following.

Apostle Paul was part of God’s first-century church. As a follower, Paul suffered many things. He was accused of sedition, beaten, arrested, shipwrecked, almost assassinated, attacked by a snake, and placed under house arrest. Paul saw this as part of his faithfulness to God.

As he was imprisoned in Rome for two years with Roman solders watching his every move, Paul was able to write four epistles – Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. He also continued preaching to those who came to hear him. We see this in Acts 28:30-31.

While living with the Roman soldiers, Paul took the example of their uniform to write about putting on the whole armor of God. He understood the function of each piece and what purpose it served.

The Roman soldiers “whole armor” was to fight in the physical. Whereas, we as Christians fight a spiritual battle and require some form of armor as well.We see in Ephesians 6:11 -12 why we need the whole armor of God.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

The whole armor comes from the Greek word panoplia and means full armor – includes shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, and breastplate. The wiles is the Greek word methodeia and means cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery.

Principalities means the first place, principality, rule, magistracy of angels and demons, the Greek word is arche. Kosmokrator in Greek means lord of the world, prince of this age. Describing the devil and his demons know as the rulers.

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K-House was founded by Chuck and Nancy Missler. Chuck is a Navel academy graduate and a former Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles. Also, he had a successful 30 year executive career. Nancy raised their four children. Besides their personal lives, both Chuck and Nancy have been committed to assisting others to fully understand the Bible with weekly Bible Studies, books, and other teaching avenues.

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